Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big Lovin' Dinner

I have heard complaints of cheating when other people are taking me out for meals or biscuits, and I can understand that, but this is also why I clearly stated some ground rules. Also, I try really hard (I hope) to attempt to compensate when this occurs. Last night, I had the pleasure to make dinner for the friend that took me to lunch this weekend, and my two favorite parts of this dinner was that; 1) We watched Big Love, and 2) When I asked her what I could cook for her... She Actually Answered!!

She told me she liked veggies, chicken and rice, what she did was give me a ballpark, and that is usually half the battle for me, deciding what to prepare. I get all pre-brain surgery anxious and make a total mess of myself and the situation. There was no rice, but I did make chicken pasta with summer vegetables. Then I prepared a salad. I don't know if it's good or what is composed of a good salad, because I don't eat them, nor am I going to try it out (would I even know what a good salad would taste like?), but she seemed to like it! And I do like to proselytize about my salad dressing collection (get it, proselytize, Big Love!?!).
We ate, we watched some Big Love (oh, Marjean, you are just too cute for words!) & I had enough for... leftovers!! It's all kinda unfolding slowing now. If I could just learn how to use coupons for grocery shopping, I would be taking that next step in this venture.


  1. Leftovers from good meals are my main source of nutrition for my husband's lunch. Which helps the Greek need in me to cook too much food!

  2. that salad was deeeeeeeeelicious.

  3. the salad WAS great...and the friend was hoping for a nick name! fail.
