Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What happened on MJC Day 2010

So, I dropped the heavy mom blog post on you (thanks for the calls and texts on MJC Day) and now I am going to tell you what I did for MJC Day 2010. I have a small, but significant stream/creek in my backyard. I decided that since I could not make it to the beach, that I would use my own water source, in my own backyard. I grabbed some of my mom’s ashes which have just been all over this world since she passed. The pink haired professor sent some of Mary Jane to Igwazu Falls in Buenos Aires. My little China Girl was kind enough to take her to the Three Gorges Dam for a splash in her pond. My hands shook something violently when I was attempting to transfer her from her bigger bottle into my brass flower mom holder. For a few minutes I was certain that I was not yet ready, but in attempts to laugh it off, I literally laughed and she sorta floated on the air in the box I keep her bottle in. I think that is a nice way of saying I spilled her a little!
I got her packed up, pulled out the last photo her sister had taken of her, and headed for my creek, with no socks on. I found a spot, popped a squat and spent about an hour talking to her. Telling her I missed her, but I am not mad at her. Telling her about our family and how I wish she could see the house, & how she would love our guest room so much that I am actually decorating it as if it was for her (sorry all the live people that will be staying in it). I told her thank you for the last month when I really felt like she was watching over me and sending me some magical support. I told her I hoped she was proud of me and I apologized for all the things I did when she was alive. Readers, I just said everything you wish you could say to someone that only comes out when you truly cannot do so any more. I jumped because a squirrel decided I was in his spot and ran less than a foot above my head, then I laughed. A belly pain inducing laugh that sequenced so perfectly into our MJC Day right of passage. I removed my sneakers, and plunged my bare feet into the (very) cold water, and then I released my mom into my creek. Some of her ran quickly down stream and some of her bottomed out in the creek bed. I took my obligatory water-feet pictures, pulled myself up onto the bank again, where for a little while I just breathed and watched. My mom was finally home with me.

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