Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New snack food worth craving

I really like Wheat Thins. Even if they do possess the word wheat in them, I think it is the tasty, not goo for you kind. When looking for a cracker for the garlic hummus spread from the pink Haired Professor, I stumbled upon these while I was too hungry to be shopping alone. You know when you are alone and hungry and food shopping it is a bad combination, it is for me at least. I buy stuff I would have never bought before. This happened this last weekend and I lucked out. I found these...
Artisan Vermont White Cheddar Wheat Thins. Are they worth $3.45 for like 10oz, I don't know, but I can not stop thinking about them and want them all the time! I am wondering if I should brave the grocery store in the Georgia White Curse (aka - snow flurries) in order to get myself another box. Don't they even just look like you should ask the person next to you for some Grey Pupon mustard, or did I just give away my class level on that one?

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