Friday, April 9, 2010

Walks & WTFs

Readers, food is invading my every thought now. You know in those movies where the guy is suppose to be celibate and so all he sees all around him are naked boobs? Or when you get a new car and then you realize just how many people have that same car? That's me and food.

Besides just having every conversation turn into cooking or recipes or healthy eating (errr), I have even found a need for my apron, my big measuring cup, and my recipe organizer, and need not an excuse to use them to make others happy. My exercise weights are not as heavy as the Bittman book, you're damn right I need a cook book holder!

Case in point, after a rough morning, the hubs took me to the Botanical Gardens, because he's never been and he thinks I look hot in yellow(POLLEN). We walked around, we brought a cross work puzzle, we found trees we want to put in our yard (is that not fucking ridiculous? I still can't believe that). He may have spent some time chatting up little girls, but it was a nice excursion.

Then we go walking into the section with the crane fountain, with the yellow, wonderful smelling flowers that grow like vines up the white cabana, which were my favorite so of course unnamed at the park. The I spot it and have to do a double take....

the Fried Egg Daffodil. Really? It was not even yellow that I could tell. I seriously did a double take on this one. It's started... food is going to begin to interrupt my every essence of my being. Well, I'm ready for ya, and I came to play!


  1. fried egg daffodil? what a strange name! as soon as the pollen calms down, i plan on seeing the outside world. until then, it's indoors for me :(

  2. Fried eggs are mostly white with a yellow center. I should know, i had them for supper the night before last. Still a goofy name for a flower!
