Thursday, January 7, 2010

I get by with a little help from the hubs

There are and will be so many times through this venture when I will need some help in the kitchen, more likely LOTS of times. I am very quick to call the Magic Chef, or when I'm alone try to look up a YouTube clip, but 9 times of out 10, I call the hubs. The funny thing is I don't know if he possess that much more knowledge than myself, or if I just want him to validate that I am trying (more a confidence booster than a cry for actual help). Sometimes I call him into the kitchen to help and then quickly "shoo" him out if I get the impression he is trying to take over, or stubbornly disagree with the advice he's give even though it is usually correct.

Take for instant last night, I had just awoken from my 3-5pm nap (thanks big brain) and stumbled in to make a roast, and i have done this before and kinda know how to do this. Maybe because it was cold, maybe because I was not awake yet, but I played (cooking) dumb REAL QUICK when I entered the kitchen. By the time Hubs asked me if I was going to "put a rub" on the meat, I knew I was close to checking out and heading back to bed. If "put a rub" meant was I going to add salt and pepper, sure. If it meant was I going to crystallize it in yumminess as he did, not quite. So, I sorta made dinner last night of beef roast, lima beans, mushroom mac 'n cheese (honestly, the wheat noodles did lose me as a fan), and the best part... I made brown gravy from the drippings. It was so good, that I just dripped it over all my food. MMmmmm, brown gravy. I wonder how'd it taste on ceral?

BTW, we also ate at the table together... big ups! Yeah!

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