Monday, March 1, 2010

Past Updates of Note

Two really fun things (with food) that I did while I was away (from blogging) were Dance Marathon & Mardi Gras King(ing) 2010 for Family Counseling Services. Here's a bit more about them!
Want to know a great place to get lots of different food from your favorite vendors, and all for FREE?! UGA’s Dance Marathon (DM), that’s where. UgaMiracle is a student-run campus philanthropy benefitting Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. CHOA is where my kid had 4 of his 5 surgeries due to being born with gastrochisis. don't worry, he's fine and probably like many CHOA kids has learned to manipulate it to his full advantage. This year marked the 15th anniversary at the University of Georgia, we have done the last 7. This organization gives students the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Miracle kids through personal interactions and fundraising. Throughout the year, they hold special events and fundraisers that raise awareness about our cause. Our efforts culminate in a 24-hour Dance Marathon—one of UGA’s biggest traditions & they raise so much money For The Kids.
On the 24 hour menu there was Casa Mia, Willy's, Chick-fil-A, Jimmy John's, and desserts and candies throughout the event. Readers, there was even Waffle House for breakfast!
This was our 7th year doing DM, and the kid’s first year staying up all 24 hours of it! We are really proud to be involved with this organization, and over the years it has defiantly changed, but there are still some DM-ers who are parts of our lives intrinsically, probably forever. The kid still trashes talks with them on Facebook even!
Of course, our favorite event of the year was interrupted by it being on the same weekend as we got the house, and move-in weekend. For me, there was lots of going back and forth between the two locations and about 3 hours of sleep, so Readers, honestly I don’t know what I ate and what I did not eat. I did have a Monster energy drink, further providing evidence of my inability to handle any sort of mind/body enhancing substance.

The second event was the Friday it snowed here in GA, 2/12/10, and my UGA dad was nominated for Mardi Gras King of Athens, in a fundraiser for Family Counseling Services. The event was Cajun/Creole food, and Readers I ate all of it, brown paste something, catfish, crazy rice, and more. When I first looked at the table I thought there goes my free meal, because I was not even going to try it! Luckily I did and I enjoyed it all, especially the brown paste stuff, I will find out what it was. This event was also a costume party, my favorite thing!! Omnipotently, UGAdad knew he was going to win and wore the most outlandish king costume with GIANT Mardi Gras beads. I was a tooth fairy (with wings), and the Pink Haired Professor was a tooth! The snow impacted the event unfortunately for the organization. I think next year will be an even bigger success for them & I will karmic-ly do whatever I can to help, because as one of not too many attendees, Readers I got loot! There were door prizes for costumes and over all, I racked up gift cards for $50 of tanning, $25 to AllGood’s (a bar, & that was spent that night on Jager bombs!), $15 to Five Points Deli, and free bowling with shoes. Our table also racked up incredible prizes from Classic City Roller Girl Derby Tickets, bags, t-shirts, and the pink Haired Prof won the silent auction for a tattoo! See what I mean about owing them back Big Time!

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